Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Surf & Turf

Turf in action
I mentioned geoCaching for a colleague at work yesterday. He had not heard about it but exclaimed "Oh, it's like Turf then?" I was lost. Turf? Had never heard about it. "Oh, that was voted as one of the best Android apps of last year." So, I had to try it out while I cached Andre4s first attempt to hide a cache (Kastanjebacken in Johannelund).

I had to try it out... The idea is that you download the Turf app to your Android phone, and start it. Then you can walk around and you'll see read areas on the map. When you enter such an area, and stay there for 30 seconds, you capture it. This will score some points. Also you get a small amount of points for keeping the area.

So, a multi-player GPS game, with some chat possibilities, more of a capture the flag type.

This is like live geoCaching of sorts, but more conflict oriented I would say. You capture your turfs and hope nobody else capture them in turn. If you do you can recepature them etc. Areas which often are conquered score more points per hour. Guess it can be a good idea to Turf late at nights....

Another of those games that get you moving outside. Comparing to geoCaching, not that that is much of a point, I would say that this is very suitable for quicker hit & run, while geoCaching is more visit new territories and spending more time outside.  So a good complement.

Turf started in summer 2010. The App is still beta, but it is free, so do try it.

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