Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mean green things from outer space

In a secret celler under the Ground Speak HQ:

- Sir!
- Yes?
- Our agent, LetHvCryPer, reports spotting of an Urban Invasion in Sweden.
- What! When and where exactly?
- At 22:30 CET in central Linköping.
- Oh, yes. I can see why those brain eating bastards aim for that town with all those smart kids.
- Yes, sir!
- Are we sure that this is it? It's not one of those challenges again?
- No, sir! I believe this is the real shit. He have been tracking them down for months and finally he found their hiding place. He has also signed the report with that abbrev.
- What abbrev?
- TFTC, sir. That means it is a real finding.
- I see. Ok, let's send our best men from Area 51 to take care of this.
- Yes, sir!
- They sure need to get out now that Hollywood releases that movie about those teenage kid breaking into their secret storage.
- Yes, sir! I will see to that directly.
- Ok, carry on.

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