Saturday, June 2, 2012

Soon I celebrate 2 years as a geoCacher

Have been very inactive on this spot so I thought I should improve on that. Maybe even more than that... But more on that in a future blogg entry.

Soon I have been geoCaching for 2 years

I an entry July 2011 I wrote about my first year of geoCaching, and also compared with the plans in one of my first entries. It might be time to do a comparision with the results for my second year but I will wait with that one more month.

Statistics for Östergötland

Have also used this space to publish statistics for Östergötland; is there anyone that like to see this again? The plan was to do this about once 6th month and it should be time again for a new one; it should be interesting to see how the "competition" between Linköping and Norrköping progresses. And if The Smokestoners have put up Ödeshög into third place?


One of the best things with geoCaching is its social aspect. You can always have something to talk about when you meet a geoCacher out in the field as we all are united by a common interest. This aspect is very present in the Event geoCache, where geoCachers meet, and sometimes do some activity, or hunt some newly released geoCaches.
Up to this day I have attended 28 events (and one Mega-event), which means more than one per month. I intend to keep the ration of one per month in average. Here is a brief recollection for each of the events I attended since November 2011 (with FAD 2011 and 11-11-11 being the ones that took place in that month)

Pröva på långfärdsskridsko

Bo&at;Elisabeth have hosted a couple of tryout events. At this one one had the chance to try out skating on the ice in Motala football stadium. My sister is a fan of that kind of activity.
It was nice, but you needed skating shoes that fit exactly, otherwise it was very demanding. Had problems to look as relaxed as the experienced once. Maybe I'll try this again another year. It might also be a nice way of getting to the minor islands in the archipelagos during winter...

Vem åt upp pepparkaksdegen

At this event LelleRoos invited us to central Norrköping, to tryout to make things with gingerbread! Of course some had to make some gingerbread cookies with geoCaching touche. Me, I did not make any, but just floated around.

Julcaching i Katrineholm

Malaren invited us to come up to Katrineholm and do the traditional In-between (Xmas and NewYear) caching in, or near, central Katrineholm. Yes. even a tradition for me as this was my second visit to that event. Brought torado with me, and at the event Mr Ofi joined us and contributed with some local knowledge. Have visited this surrounding several times so it is good to add a few more logs from here.

MYSterie event

When Mr and Mrs Höögarna invites me I really try to make it. This time they had joined forces with Hurbies and hosted a mystery event out in the countryside. The building we were in was some kind of hotel, and we had access to wifi, and computers, which is nice when you are to work with mysteries. We did get some practice mysteries, and some new ones, and people split up into smaller groups and tried to solve them. We did also get some instruction booklet with hints on good techniques for solving mysteries. As always some other mysteries was discussed and we all had a great time. It was interesting to watch people at action, as they was often very focussed on solving problems, so maybe less social than usual?
I headed home from central Sörmland in the car. After coming 10-20 km I had a close encounter incident with a large elk... but I was lucky to escape hitting that one; and probably the elk was even more happy with that.

Sedan år 2000 infaller skottårsdagen 29 februari

2012 is a leap year, and that is special for geoCachers, as 29th of February is often "white" in their caching matrix. So I hosted a smaller event with social focus.
The main focus during this event was the meet-then-dinner during the evening, but me and some others released some leap-year related caches during the day. This is a form that works quite nicely, and gives an extra spice as you often don't know when or where the caches will appear.
I had decided that we should meet at Trädgårsföreningen at 6 pm, to chat some and to sign the log book. After that the ones that wanted walked over to a nearby restaurant where we had dinner. The show-up at the restaurant was perfect as the crowd filled up the inner section of the restaurant to the last chair.

To be continued! I have 6 more events to write about so I will write more in the next blogg entry.

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