Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summary of my first year

In one of my first entries ( I wrote about my targets for 2011. The easiest (and not mentioned) was to be geoCacher for a year. July 10th I reached that. And now I try to summarize my first year as a geoCacher.

It has been a great hobby, but I seem to have been overhelmed by it. During the last months I struggled to complete the "Logg at least one cache every day for 100 days" challenge. As soon as I completed that (30th June) I did take a brake, and I have only done sparse caching since then. I also has some maintenance to to, but hopefully I will do some during the vacation that starts any week now ;-)

So, how did my first year go? Well, let's check the targets I set up for 2011 (in the entry above):
  • "Today I have 340 finds. I expect to reach a total of 500 finds during Spring 2011, and I hope to reach a total of 1000 finds at end of year 2011." - Spring ment quite a lot of finds. Even though low scoring summer I have exceeded 1200.
  • "Today I have logged in 2 countries (Sweden and Egypt). I hope to have logged in at least 3 more countries during 2011." - No abroad trips so far. It looks inlikely, but I hope to go to Tallin at least, if not Wales, Finland, Denmark or Germany.
  • "At least 2 Mega Events during 2011." - Seems unlikely right now.
  • "Currently my hide count in 11 but this Summer I should reach 25." - Well, I put out more caches than so during the 10 year celebration... My count has exceeded 70.
  • "I will continue to add easier mysteries in my Games people play and expect to add a traditional series similar to Östgötapendeln." - Have not come round to this yet, but I still plan to do it. My "Östgötatorg" series is a series of semi-Multies in the same spirit as "Östgötapendeln".

So, besides the above I managed to reach 3 events hosted and 10 events visited (even in Östergötland), quite a few challenge caches placed, and some other.

Will not put up any new goals for the reminder of 2011. Probably I will use a more relaxed attitude to geoCaching in the future. But I still think this is a great hobby and a great way of getting out into the nature.