Saturday, September 24, 2011

Smokestoner influence in Linköping

Have not been very active in GeoCaching during the last month. Was up to Grytgöl to clear the 3 PTs there, just to find one week later that 3 new PTS had been published. Ah....

Back home I have had good control of cache situation. In a triangle of Kappelån/E4, Linghem/E4 and Ullstämma (south of Linköping) at one time I had about 20 caches, of which 90% or so was Mysteries. Recently some more mysteries have popped up, of which only a few was suitable for me. So, mysteries keep piling up. Have to save them for the long, dark winter. At least RDun have not appeared with new mysteries in this area, although the new Mystery Master (m1m3r) seem to give us work enough.

So, multis, wherigos and other unusual caches have been few, and those I try to solve as soon as they appear, at least if they are less then T4... That leaves the Trads. Here a few difficult ones have appeared, like MMR-23: 128 ( which a group of 7 geoCachers spent almost an hour looking for the FTF. And a devilish one near Tinnerö, which I went out 2:30 am to look for in the dark. So the trads are starting to pile up as well.

Today I took a trip to Nyköping, but not for caching. Although an excellent day for that activity I spent all day indoors, playing Bridge. But I managed to logg two caches, one before the play, and one during the lunch break: Agnes - Cecilia and Tvålfabriken, the later in a part of central Nyköping I had never visited (on the other side of the rail road, going as a bridge from the railway station). There are several difficult city caches in Nyköping, but these caused no problems at all.

I did check my e-mail and as expected several caches had been published! Why do this always happen when I am away from town! This time it was even a forrest power trail, inspired by Smokestoner's PT caches. And this near Glyttinge camping, which is between Ryd and Skäggetorp. Oh well, I will have some easy pickings to do the next couple of months.

Have had my own plans for a power trail of some kind, but I am thinking more in the line of Höögarna's style. We'll see if I ever get round to make such a trail...