Isn't it time for more events in Linköping? There are all kinds of event all around Sweden now that spring has come, and I would like to have more, closer to home... But do they need a lot of work before hand? Not necessarily.
I think that it would be nice to have something like "En välförtjänt kopp kaffe" (GC2PKFX). At that event (which I considered visiting, but eventually did not) at a set time a number of caches are published. But you do not meet before this time but instead are expected to be spread out across town. A few hours later those interested meet up at a set place (for example a café) for some discussions and social interaction... Sound like this could be a simple thing. Number of caches could be any. In the Södertälje case it was 20.
So, I would consider doing something like this in Linköping. Is there any others that would be interested in participating? If we were 4 cachers (or signums) we could make 5 caches each. It could be simple rules (like 3 km or so from the event place), splitting the city in 4 parts.
7-8 May there are two events in Ödeshög ("En sten, en skog" GC2HZN6, "Ett berg" GC2NH0R), and 9 April one event in Norrköping ("Våren är här", GC2NR5V). Also there are some events further away, for those of you that like to travel a bit. What is a suitable date in the calendar?